Friday, May 12, 2017

Self Reflection on Presentation.

  • When reflecting back on my presentation, I feel as if I effectively demonstrated problem solving and communication. I was able to demonstrate this through effectively using visual representation to show the steps I took in order to break down the problem and the solution. I was also able to show communication skills through the process of explaining what the program is about and what has influenced me to create my application. 
  • I would definitely work on my analysis skills because I sometimes struggle with reflecting on the possible aspects that need improvement but also on how I could have done something differently to provide a clarity of ideas and different characteristics to make it more self-reflecting. 
  • As one of the assessors mentioned, I focused my presentation on more of a conversation so I would be able to maintain the information that relayed to the people I was explaining my project too. I also have done presentations for multiple colleges over the past year so I was well informed on what I should really talk about and the information I should talk about at a different time. 
  • I don't think I would change or add anything to improve the project itself other than the presenting part mainly because I feel I could have been consecutive with the way I present the timeline of events.
  • I would focus more on the visual aspect of problem solving mainly because I am a visual learner so I only recognize solutions through visual representations like diagrams and instructions.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Alternative Ending for Everything,Everything!

By: Christina Rivas and Brianna Mansfield,

1. After Maddie returns from seeing Olly, Maddie feels like she is finally getting her life back to together to the point where she could make up the years that she had lost when she was isolated for protection from the world. Maddie realizes that she shouldn't isolate her mother out of her life just because her mother was only trying to protect her, so in acceptance to this factor Maddie begins to resolve the tension between them.

2. When Maddie leaves her mother to be reunited with Olly, she makes a huge decision to live in New York with the hopes of spending the rest of her life her first love. When Olly and Maddie see each other in the bookstore, Olly tells Maddie that he has moved on in life and that he wishes her the best.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Everything Everything Theme Statement

  • Love opens you up to the world. 
  • Risks must be taken to truly live. 
- Brianna M and Christina R

Friday, March 24, 2017

Drug Testing in Wisconsin

Dear Governor Walker,
             I'm using my voice to speak up for the many others that are going to be affected by this new law of drug testing for adults who are receiving FoodShare, Medicaid, etc. I am completely against the law against drug testing due to the fact that some people desperately need this assistance to stay alive in todays society and government.
           My first argument, the government has no authority to decide on drug testing the adults that are enlisted in these programs. This is a violation of Human Rights due to the fact that you are violating the rights of the humans that is in need while also saying they have no control over how they are treated. They might feel degraded and feel like they are being singled out based upon the religion or ethnicity of the person they are testing at the time.
          My second argument, is the people that live in poverty and in the lower parts of city are the majority of people that are in the programs listed above. The people that have struggled the most are the ones they want to drug test and accuse them of using drugs and then just be abusing the rights of the programs. They shouldn't have to live their life in fear of getting drug tested over just receiving aid for food or medical care.
           My third argument, there is not just young adults and middle aged adults on these programs but older adults are also on these programs. They should not be subjected to drug testing because like it was mentioned before it violates the human rights of the people while also making the process of receiving aid much more difficult.
         In conclusion, many other and I have came together and have decided to go against the mass drug testing proposal.

Counts and Rates

Counts and rates help us understand the breast cancer situation in different populations in the United States and all around the world by showing us how the chances of getting breast cancer has increased over the years due to lack of research and care but also the lack of medical screening because the price has increased. The stories it tells is, that people that are living in poverty and lower class neighborhoods receive less medical and health care appointments because of the less amount of money they have. If they do receive medical attention, it isn't very good or they could be misdiagnosed or given a false positive/negative results. It makes me want to invest further is the amount of aid relief that the people are receiving in the lower classes.  

Friday, February 10, 2017

Brianna and Christina's Summary

As of February 1st of 2017, under president Trump's authority it sparked the creation of the March for Science which included millions of people across different social media networks who showed a strong concern for the future of science. The previous Woman's March inspired science enthusiasts to take action against controversial issues being pushed aside by president Trump. Dr. Berman and Dr. Caroline organized "The Scientists' March on Washington" and within three days it gained 700,000 supporters.The overwhelming support showcases the huge concern for the future of science. They wanted to raise their voices