Friday, February 10, 2017

Brianna and Christina's Summary

As of February 1st of 2017, under president Trump's authority it sparked the creation of the March for Science which included millions of people across different social media networks who showed a strong concern for the future of science. The previous Woman's March inspired science enthusiasts to take action against controversial issues being pushed aside by president Trump. Dr. Berman and Dr. Caroline organized "The Scientists' March on Washington" and within three days it gained 700,000 supporters.The overwhelming support showcases the huge concern for the future of science. They wanted to raise their voices


  1. What an awesome summary! You girls clearly understand what it means to be thoughtful writers! I hope you both enjoyed this segment of Reading the World and I hope we see you at our next event! Great job! Have an amazing LONG weekend, we hope to see you next Friday.
