Friday, October 30, 2015

Mean Low:18
Mean Record Low: -18.67
Mode of Average Low: 19
Median of Record Low: -25.5

  • To receive the answer for The mean low and record low all I did was add up each column of numbers and then I divided by the number of numbers that were in the column which was 12.
  • The mode is the most occurring number the data and that was 19 degree's in the Average Low column.
  • Finally, to find the median I took all the numbers, put them in least to greatest, and then I crossed out the an equal amount of numbers on both sides which left two numbers in the middle. With the two numbers I added them together and then divided by 2 to get the final answer.

Friday, October 23, 2015

October 23, 2015

Math class has always been a struggle for me since I was young. I mainly struggle with understand the equations used to find certain variables needed to create tables and graphs. That's one of my dislikes about math is that each problem has more than one way of solving it plus it is also has more than one right answer which then leads into a multi-purpose question in the future,